Prince Lionheart Silkie Slumber Bear Natural Audio Pacifier Pink(胎音寶寶安撫器~美國代購)

The ONLY actual intra-uterine, recorded womb sound lulls Baby to sleep in minutes!

The Original Slumber Bear
Invented by a doctor, and effectively used in hospital nurseries for over 25 years! The Original Slumber Bear contains the ONLY actual intra-uterine, recorded womb sound to help lull your Baby to sleep in minutes! Sound and motion sensors re-activate recording when Baby cries or jostle s bear. Additional hook and loop straps allow you to secure the removable audio box to crib rails, strollers and more!

Prince Lionheart Silkie Slumber Bear Natural Audio Pacifier Pink(胎音寶寶安撫器~美國代購)

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